We Would like to thank the City of Dawson Creek for the recognition of Northern BC Crime Stoppers Month.
Essential To Crime Stoppers
The Community
Citizens form the foundation of a local Crime Stoppers program. There are people who serve as volunteer directors on the Crime Stoppers board with responsibility to operate the non-profit corporation, raise funds and approve reward payments when crimes are solved. Members of the public support Crime Stoppers at public events and through other fund-raising activities. And there are others who call Crime Stoppers when they have information that will solve crime
The Police
Appoint a coordinator to operate the Crime Stoppers program on a daily basis. Anonymity to callers is guaranteed, no equipment exists to record or trace the phone calls or Web Tips. Those who call Crime Stoppers receive a code number that allows them to claim a reward once an arrest has been made. The police are also required to investigate the various Crime Stoppers tips and report back to the coordinator when a case is solved. The coordinator then reports this information to the Board who makes a decision as to a reward.
Kyle MacDonald