South Peace District Crime Prevention Association (SPDCPA) is a nonprofit organization. Every year SPDCPA AGM for Directors. SPDCPA Annual general meeting is held around June to select the directors (10). See the list of current Directors on the “Directors'” page.
SOUTH PEACE DISTRICT CRIME PREVENTION ASSOCIATION and the approximately 300 members of Citizens on Patrol and the various Rural Crime Watch locals in and around the City of Dawson Creek area continues to function during these trying COVID-19 times. The SPDCPA AGM was held October 6, 2020. The “Directors” tab here has been updated accordingly.
Membership in Rural Crime Watch and the Citizens on Patrol are subgroups of SPDCPA. SPDCPA has been going strong with significant increase of COP membership. Any funding raised by SPDCPA (funds are used for COP and RCW for activities and expenses).
RCW Symposium was started in 2018. What has become an annual tradition every year until two years ago with COVID-19. We are hoping to get back up and running next year in 2023. The RCW member groups of SPDCPA hosted a meeting of Zone 3 members of the ALBERTA PROVINCIAL RURAL CRIME Association in the morning at the Calvin Kruk Centre in Dawson Creek. A number of SPDCPA (RCW) members regularly attend and participate in Zone 3 APRCWA meetings which are usually held in Rycroft Alberta.
In the afternoon the SPDCPA members and invite the public for the afternoon presentation/seminar.
PEACE RIVER REGIONAL DISTRICT Funds One-Call-Now Phone Fan Out for SPDCPA Members
To reach our over 300 member numbers with information and alerts, SPDCPA uses the One Call Now phone fan out system. RCMP members for Dawson Creek are also able to use our system to rapidly get alerts and requests for information to our many members in the city (COP) and in the rural areas of the Peace River Regional District.
SPDCPA is grateful for the financial assistance from the Peace River Regional District to fund the expense of the One-Call-Now system. This call out / fan out system is efficient and can reach a very large number of people (the members of the subgroups — various local area RCW groups and COP) in a very short time.
Safe Ride Home at Lobsterfest
The South Peace Oilmen’s Association hosts Lobsterfest at the Ovintiv Events Centre in Dawson Creek. Volunteers from South Peace District Crime Prevention Association’s member groups (the various Rural Crime Watch groups and Citizen’s on Patrol members) will again provide “Safe Ride Home” service to those who need to get home safely and are pleased to have their vehicles in their yards or driveways in the morning when they wake up for the day following this well attended and very enjoyable event.
SPDCPA will have a table by the Exit to the event, staffed by volunteers who will drive you in your vehicle to your home. Other volunteers will follow along to bring those drivers back to the Ovintiv Events Centre to safely convey others and their vehicles home at the end of the event.
“Safe Ride Home” is a service for which the South Peace Oilmen’s Association provides a generous and much appreciated donation to the South Peace District Crime Prevention Association. There is no charge to patrons of Lobsterfest but donations, if offered, are gratefully accepted by the volunteers.
We had very successful evening. Thanks to South Peace Oilmen’s Association and the volunteers to make great night.
Christmas Gift Wrap Fundraiser at Dawson Mall:
Many thanks to the volunteers from SPDCPA member groups and to some “friends of the SPDCPA” for the many hours spent wrapping Christmas Gifts at the Dawson Mall. There were many presents nicely wrapped! The community was again generous in support of the fundraising efforts of SPDCPA volunteers.
A special acknowledgment of support goes to Ray Poppe and the folks at Secure Energy Services Inc. who generously donated $1,000.00 to our 2017 Gift Wrap fundraiser. This donation from staff at Secure Energy Services Inc. is very much appreciated and will assist in making sure we have all the supplies we need for Gift Wrap.
Christmas 2022 Volunteer Gift Wrapping At Dawson Creek Mall
Volunteer Appreciation Dinner November 26, 2022
The South Peace District Crime Prevention Association’s annual Volunteer Appreciation Dinner was held at the Doe River Hall. This well attended annual event is a major social gathering for SPDCPA crime prevention volunteers. This dinner features a variety of most excellent potluck dishes brought by members, a chance for volunteers to share in conversation, and — this year — enjoy entertainment by Fay Ryson and Loretta and Daryl.
South Peace District Crime Prevention Association Volunteers Provide Safe Ride Home Service for Patrons of The South Peace Oilmen’s Association’s LOBSTERFEST 2022.
Dawson Creek & District Rural Crime Watch Attends Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Zone 3 AGM And Symposium
On April 9, 2016, a number of Rural Crime Watch volunteers from Dawson Creek attended the AGM / Symposium of member RCW groups of Zone 3 Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association held at the Webster Hall, north of Sexsmith Alberta. Of special note for the volunteers from Dawson Creek was that the “Wise Owl” program of the Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association has been expanded with 6 members province-wide who are able to bring information and tips about crime (especially various types of fraud) to seniors’ groups. As Dawson Creek is closely tied to Zone 3 of the Alberta Association, discussions took place about having a Wise Owl presenter come to Dawson Creek to meet with senior’s groups in the future.
The “Symposium” part of the meeting featured two very topical and important presentations. The first by Gord Ellert, a Province of Alberta Ministry of Transportation Regional Traffic Safety Consultant focused on the very real and very serious consequences of “distracted driving” — especially from cell phone texting, but also such other bizarre activities such as sandwich preparation, shaving by men and by women, movie watching (all while driving!) and so on. The second presentation by Cpl McIntosh of “K Division” of the RCMP was an eye-opening talk on the drug “fentanyl” and the havoc it is wreaking in (especially) Alberta and British Columbia society in general and the drug-use community in particular. Fentanyl has been linked to many drug-overdose deaths in the last few years and is a worrisome development in the lethality of illicit drugs being marketed by the illegal drug trade. There was an interesting discussion on why there is demand for such a lethal substance, the implications of this demand for society in general and for the enforcement community as well.
Dawson Creek & District Rural Crime Watch AGM And Dinner
The Dawson Creek & District Rural Crime Watch AGM & Dinner is set for Sunday, April 24, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at the Cultural Community Association (the “CCA”) Hall at Tomslake. $15.00 A plate. Contact Cliff Washington or Geri Demyen for more information on this always eagerly anticipated and well attended event.
South Peace District Crime Prevention Association Volunteers Attend the Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association AGM And Symposium at Peace River Alberta.
2022 South Peace District Crime Prevention Association Bursaries at South Peace Secondary School
On June, 2022, South Peace District Crime Prevention Association was one of many donors to present a bursary to deserving student graduating from Dawson Creek Secondary School and going to various post-secondary endeavors.
South Peace District Crime Prevention Association offers one of the bursaries of $500 to students who as part of their application write a 300–500-word essay on the general theme of crime prevention. Innovative ideas and initiatives are looked for by the selection committee.
This year SPDCPA Chairperson Geri Demyen presented bursaries to Lindsay Evans JUNE 2023.
Will update Essay soon I get it.
Online Crime Reporting | Dawson Creek RCMP (
Online Crime Reporting
Residents and business owners from across the Dawson Creek region, with a valid email address, are able to use the Online Crime Reporting Tool using their computers, smart phones or tablets to report a crime that meets the following criteria:
You can use Online Crime Reporting if:
- You have lost something that costs less than $5000
- Someone has stolen something from you that costs less than $5000
- Someone has vandalized your property or vehicle and it will cost less than $5000 to repair it
- The crime happened within the jurisdiction of the Dawson Creek RCMP
- You want to report a Driving Complaint (refers to general poor driving such as speeding, distracted driving, or failing to follow road signs or signals) that is not in progress.
You cannot use Online Crime Reporting if:
- There is a witness or suspect (this restriction does not apply to Driving Complaints)
- There are lost or stolen items involving personal identity, firearms, license plates or decals
BC Crime Prevention Association
Tips on How to Prevent Fraud and Scams
According to the Alberta government, financial abuse, including fraud, is one of the most frequently reported forms of elder abuse in Alberta. The reason seniors are targeted more often than any other age group is because they tend to be more trusting along with an impaired cognitive ability brought on by age, and usually with a secure money situation. A life of isolation and loneliness can also be fed upon by scammers. Unfortunately, this makes seniors the perfect target.
Some of the most common scams committed against seniors including impersonating a Government official or a business, befriending the senior, bank oversights and investment fraud. These scams are so common because they are able to prey on senior’s impaired cognitive abilities and their loneliness.
Sometimes seniors need help staying safe from scams. Caregivers and family members can help to keep seniors informed and they can provide another viewpoint on deals that seem too good to be true. Some prevention practices include visiting them to discuss their monthly bills and to check in on their bank account for any odd purchases or withdrawals.
We want to help give seniors the necessary tools to recognize a scam, who to talk to, how to report it and where to go for more information. However, it is important to keep both seniors and their families informed on how to identify fraud and how to prevent it.
Please watch good information.