Chetwynd COP

Went really well for Chetwynd trade show.




Online Crime Reporting | Dawson Creek RCMP (

Online Crime Reporting

Residents and business owners from across the Dawson Creek region, with a valid email address, are able to use the Online Crime Reporting Tool using their computers, smart phones or tablets to report a crime that meets the following criteria:

You can use Online Crime Reporting if:
  • You have lost something that costs less than $5000
  • Someone has stolen something from you that costs less than $5000
  • Someone has vandalized your property or vehicle and it will cost less than $5000 to repair it
  • The crime happened within the jurisdiction of the Dawson Creek RCMP
  • You want to report a Driving Complaint (refers to general poor driving such as speeding, distracted driving, or failing to follow road signs or signals) that is not in progress.
You cannot use Online Crime Reporting if:
  • There is a witness or suspect (this restriction does not apply to Driving Complaints)
  • There are lost or stolen items involving personal identity, firearms, license plates or decals



Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association