RCW And District Stats
Tomslake area:
Quarter Stats 2024.
10185 Km.
Patrolled 254.25 Hrs. donated
76 Patroller’s on 159 separate patrols.
Kilkerran area:
Pouce Coupe and Border Area:
Landry area:
Doe River Area: Dec. 23. 2023/ Mar. 22.2024
50 Patrols
1704 Km
38.50 Hrs.
7 Patrollers
Like to thank the new members that have joined in area. Coming aboard to stop the crime in the region. The more eyes and ears we have to get them stopped where they stand. Enough is Enough.
2022 Dawson Creek & District Rural Crime Watch AGM & Dinner
April 24, 2022, AGM & Dinner at the CCA Hall in Tom Lake, BC. We had excellent turn out. Carol Wyant had done an excellent supper. The guest speakers were fabulous. John Vetter had given speech on when they first got started with Crime Watch. Al Harold from Zone 3 director gave a speech on the provincial for Alberta Crime Watch. Leonard Hiebert given speech on PRRD region on the policing and how much the Crime Watch has been helping the Community. Like to give a big thank you to Toyota for the door prizes and the others as well. Then we right into our meeting.
*The next regular meeting of Dawson Creek & District Rural Crime Watch is at 7:30 pm on Jan. 19, 2022, in Room 4 of the Calvin Kruk Centre for the Performing Arts. The usual meeting time for the RCW is the 3rd Thursday of each month.
June 17, 2022: RCW Annual BBQ
The annual June Barbeque of Dawson Creek and District Rural Crime Watch members and guests was held on June 2022 at the Kilkerran Hall near Dawson Creek. Members and guests enjoyed barbecued hamburgers and hotdogs and many excellent pot-luck dishes provided by members. A meeting of the Dawson Creek and District RCW was held after the BBQ. Discussion included expanding RCW members’ patrols to include patrols on the water at Swan Lake.
Application to join our team.
DC RCMP Police info check
Art Seidl 250-784-5558
Geri Demyen 250-786-5921
History of South Peace Rural Crime Watch
The spring of 1992 saw the formation of the first Rural Crime Watch in the B.C. Peace if not the first Rural Crime Watch established in the Province of B.C. During the fall and winter of 1991 meetings were held and the concept gained momentum. An executive was elected, and a constitution was drafted operating under the umbrella organization of the Tomslake and District Recreation Commission. The Tomslake and District Rural Crime Watch began fundraising to purchase radios for our patrols: and signage from Alberta RCW (whom we have since become a member of). Our direction from the local RCMP was through liaison officer Cst. John Vetter who was very enthusiastic about the new program and instrumental in setting up our patrol area and other related logistical factors. Our area covers to the Block Line Rd on the North to the One Island Lake Rd in the South, and we patrol into Alberta on the East as Gundy is situated on both sides of the BC/Alberta Border. Our membership is approximately 55 households with most participants performing patrols throughout the year. Early executive members were, Bruno and Cora Pohl, Art Seidl, Harry Fister, Eric Schindler, Boyd Christianson, Ingrid David, Joyce Derow. Encouraging statistics from our first year of operation showed a reduction in rural crime in our area by 42 percent (as reported by Cst. John Vetter). If our presence was significant in reducing some of the crime, then our efforts are worthwhile.
The success of the Tomslake and District Rural Watch prompted the formation of the Dawson Creek District Rural Crime Watch under the guidance of Cst. John Vetter and six areas organized comprising of: Cutback, Doe River, Kilkerran, South Dawson, Pouce Coupe and Tomslake. A new radio system was purchased with the assistance of Peace Country Maintenance to service our area. A call out system located at the local RCMP Detachment enabled all members to receive up to date information relating to criminal activity taking place as well as assisting local RCMP in solving crime with potential tips and related information. Different methods of scheduling patrols have been adopted by each of the six patrol areas. An al’ea patrol coordinator keeps records and patrols active as well as local executives. The main body of the Dawson Creek District RCW is governed by an elected executive as well as directors from the respective areas. Fundraising is done through the South Peace Crime Prevention Association with participation from three Crime Prevention Branches (Rural Crime Watch, Vandal Watch, Crime Stoppers). Over the past 21 years thousands of kilometers have been logged and countless hours spent on Crime Prevention. All costs incurred for the patrols are borne by the patrol members. Attempts have been made to obtain charity status in which tax receipts could be issued however we have been unsuccessful thus far.
Our patrols are not only limited to crime prevention but incorporate senior alert (keeping a mindful watch on seniors living alone), range patrol (within the community), as well as general observations of the wellbeing of area citizens day and night. Over the years we have had several RCMP Liaison Officers including Cst. John Vetter, Cst. Chris Noble, Cst. Geri Demyen, Cst. Russ Greer, Cst. Monica Schimanke, Cst. Grant Desmet, Cst. Francois Veillette, Cst. Ambie Verbruggen up to our present officer, Cst. Darin Sanderson.
Tack Marking
The only way to positively identify your horse tack is to have your B.C. or Alberta driver’s license marked on it. See photos for a sample of driver’s license stamped onto a saddle. Driver’s license numbers are placed on your saddle in two locations, both of which are very difficult/impossible to remove. Other pieces of tack (i.e., bridles, breast plate, Morton gates, leather halters) get one marking. The cost is $2.00 per item of tack. Rural Crime Watch usually does a large group once a year. If you have several pieces yourself, we can mark your tack. If you want us to mark your tack, contact either Carl Krantz at 250-782-3639 or Geri Demyen at 250-786-5921.